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Online Therapy with Medicare Rebates


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Dr Andreas Comninos

B.Psych (Hons), PhD (Clin Psych), MAPS, EMDRAA
PhD Clinical Psychologist | EMDRAA Accredited Practitioner 
Psychology Board Approved Supervisor 
[email protected]

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Online Therapy with Medicare Rebates


Book an Appointment below 



Dr Andreas Comninos

PhD Clinical Psychologist | EMDRAA Accredited Practitioner 
Psychology Board Approved Supervisor 
B.Psych (Hons), PhD (ClinPsych), ACBS, MAPS
[email protected]
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Book an Appointment



    Clinical Psychology Solutions 

    [email protected]
     Fax: 02 8529 0327
    PO Box 1028, Newtown NSW 2042